Allergies. They’re a major pain for us all, aren’t they? Even our loyal companions can suffer greatly from allergies this time of year, especially allergies that are skin-related. And the signs are sometimes easy to see, too. Licking, biting, scratching, yowza! That’s no fun. These actions may look like bad habits, y’all, but it could mean something is really irritating your dog’s skin.
So let’s dive in! Put on your lab coats and whip out the microscopes (if you want to). We’re gonna get skin-deep on your dog’s skin allergies, what could be causing ‘em and how to prevent them so your pooch can chillax, sans skin allergies.
- Food – Did you know some types of dog food can cause an allergic reaction? Specifically, the fact that so many pet foods are heavily processed can wreak havoc on some dogs, showing up on the skin.
- How to fix it: Talk with your vet about an action plan; if allergies are suspected, the doc can help pinpoint the culprit. Ask your vet or pet nutrition expert at your local pet food store about switching your dog’s food to one devoid of ingredients that may trigger a reaction.
- Products – Ever look at the back of your dog shampoo bottle? Pretty intimidating, isn’t it? Well, all the gibberish could be code that your dog’s skin reaction is due to something in the bath water. Just like humans, dogs can be sensitive to chemicals in certain products, which can dry or even irritate the skin!
- How to fix: Let us know about any products you feel may be irritating your dog’s skin, and we’ll work with you to show which of our products can help soothe and heal your dog’s skin.
- Fleas and other pests – Probably the main culprits to so many skin allergies are fleas and other pests, like mites, ticks, the list goes on. Even if you can’t see a flea, sometimes just a few can make even the toughest dog miserable with itchiness.
- How to fix: Get your fur baby on a reputable flea or pest regimen. Fleas are the number-one reason dogs have itchy skin. There are many over-the-counter options, but you can find the most effective product by talking with your vet about a specific flea control method.
- Environment – Summer time, winter time, any time of year can mean different things for our dogs, depending on their skin’s sensitivity. If you’re in an area with low humidity, that can cause your dog to have dry itchy skin, which can be easily recognized. Warm, humid weather can also cause skin problems due to sweat and moisture trapping bacteria on your dog’s coat.
- How to fix it: Usually these types of weather-related skin allergies aren’t too serious. Be sure to have your dog bathed regularly to make sure his skin and coat are free of debris. We have all the right products to use for either dry or oily skin, and we’ll show you best practices for bathing your dog, too!
The best piece of advice we can give is that regular coat and skin care is needed for all dogs at any time of the year, and not just for dogs that need regular grooming! If you feel that your Fido could get better care in this department, definitely let us know!
Have any questions about skin and coat health for our Scent Techs? Comment in the box below!