Pet Groomerie is rolling out a new feature at the Pet Bloggerie... the SPOTlight. It's a chance for all of us to learn more about our four-legged family. What breed is 'Spot'? Does he have a daring rescue story? Is her favorite activity being belly rubbed while you watch 'Top Chef'? These little guys are woven so tightly into our lives, let’s put them in the SPOTlight!
This week’s SPOTlight is on Runway. This 4 year old Shih Tzu’s rescue story is one that should have made the local news! In late August of 2012, Tropical Storm Isaac brought high winds, buckets of rain and terrible flooding to West Palm Beach. Amidst the chaos, a sweet little dog was lost and scared. Jayne Wallace was driving through the busy intersection of 45TH street and Congress Ave when she saw the dog stuck in the middle of the intersection. Some enormous trucks were entering the area, unaware of the situation, so Jayne and several other good samaritans, stopped their cars in the center of the intersection to create a barricade for Runway. Someone needed to rescue him from this perilous situation.
Grabbing him swiftly from the street, Jayne was his hero. But Runway was so scared that he bit her. The other drivers helped Jayne bandage her hand and she took him right to her vet. He was badly matted, and it was obvious he had been living on the streets for some time. Luckily, the vet found that Runway had a microchip. You would think that, at this point, his worried owners would have been elated, yet when they were contacted, they were sadly not at all concerned. His previous name (which was drug-related) and his physical condition made it clear that he had been severely neglected.
Since Runway had bitten Jayne and had no tags, he was quarantined for 10 days. The vet found thorns in his stomach that needed to be surgically removed. But at the 10-day mark, Runway's original owners refused to take him back. He was labeled “un-adoptable” because he'd bitten Jayne and was going to be euthanized. Animal Care and Control called Jayne and told her about the situation. She had taken antibiotics for the bite and was on the mend, and she knew that more than anything, Runway needed someone to love him and care for him the way that he deserved. Jayne adopted Runway, got him the care he needed and took him home to become a part of her family.
Runway now lives very happily with Jayne and Bill Wallace and their 3 other dogs: Gizmo, Elvis and Ping Pong.
We are so proud to have such caring customers at Pet Groomerie and it was an honor to hear Runway’s story. - See more at: